Events CPT

Events Custom Post Type

This custom post type allows you to keep track of events, and show them off in a number of different templates.

Event Options

Enter the subtitle of the event, if there is one.
Single Post Template
Select the template that you want the single post page to use. These templates can be modified or you can create your own. Please see Templates to learn more.
Enter the type of event.
Start Date
Date that the event will take place, or the first day that the event will start.
End Date
Date the event will end.
Address of the event or the address where the event will take place.
Website address for the event.
Entrance Cost
What will the cost be to enter the event?
Contact Name
Name of the contact for the event.
Contact Phone
Phone number of the contact for the event.
Contact Email
Email of the contact for the event.
Venue Name
Name of the venue hosting the event.
Venue Type
Type of venue that will host the event.
Venue Capacity
The capacity of the venue.