Recipes CPT

Recipes Custom Post Type

This custom post type allows you to create a list of recipes, and display them with a number of different templates. This is a perfect way to show off your favorite family recipes.

Quote Options

Single Post Template
Select the template that you want the single post page to use. These templates can be modified or you can create your own. Please see Templates to learn more.
How much/many does the recipe produce?
How many servings does this recipe produce?
Prep Time
How many minutes does it take to prep for this recipe? (60+ minutes will be converted to hours)
Cook Time
How many minutes does it take to cook this recipe? (60+ minutes will be converted to hours)
Click the “Add Ingredient” button, then enter the Amount, Measurement, Ingredient and Note. To add more ingredients, click the “Add Ingredient” button again.
Click the “Add Instruction” button, then enter the Description and Image (if you want an image). To add more instructions, click the “Add Instruction” button again.