Project CPT

Project Custom Post Type

This custom post type allows you to create a list of your projects, and display them with a number of different templates.

Project Options

This is for the subtitle, if the project has one.
Single Post Template
Select the template that you want the single post page to use. These templates can be modified or you can create your own. Please see Templates to learn more.
Enter the date that the project was started or completed, whichever you choose. This option requires the date to be in “yyyy-mm-dd” format
Designed By
Who was this project designed by?
Built By
Who was this project built by?
Produced By
Who was the project was produced by?
Location Name
Name of the location (Central Park, Radisson Hotel, etc…)
Location Address
Address of the location.
Company Name
Name of the company that the project was done for.
Company Address
Address of the company that the project was done for.
Enter a quantity, if there is a quantity associated with this project (5 rooms painted, 3 sculptures created, etc…).