Featured Media
Featured Media Metabox
The Featured Media metabox allows you to set the featured media to be shown on the page and also how the media is shown.Gallery
Featured Gallery
Click the “Add to gallery” button to view the media popup. Select the images that you want to be shown in the gallery. Hit the “Select” button once you have the image(s) selected. If you want to remove an image, hover over the image and click the “X”.
Gallery Image Options
Image Type
Select the template that you want this page to use for the header. If you chose “Use Default”, the default template will be used. This “Default Template” can be set in the Intensity theme options.
Select the template that you want this page to use for the title. If you chose “Use Default”, the default template will be used. This “Default Template” can be set in the Intensity theme options. The “title” will only be shown if the “Show Main Title” option on the Layout tab is set to “Show” or the default is to show the title.
Hover Effect Type
Select the template that you want this page to use for the footer. If you chose “Use Default”, the default template will be used. This “Default Template” can be set in the Intensity theme options.
Subtle Hover Effect
Select whether you want the primary footer to be shown on the page or not. Your options are “Use Default”, “Show”, or “Hide”.
Effeckt Hover Effect
Select whether you want the primary footer to be shown on the page or not. Your options are “Use Default”, “Show”, or “Hide”.
Caman Effect
*Only visible for Image Type of “Caman”.
Start Effect
*Only visible for Image Type of “Adipoli”.
Hover Effect
*Only visible for Image Type of “Adipoli”.
*Only visible for Image Type of “Picstrip”.
Horizontal Gutter
*Only visible for Image Type of “Picstrip”.
Vertical Gutter
*Only visible for Image Type of “Picstrip”.
Audio URL
Enter the URL to the audio file.
Select the type of video. Your options are “WordPress”, “Blip.tv”, “College Humor”, “Flickr”, “FunnyOrDie.com”, “Hulu”, “Qik”, “Revision3”, “Screenr”, “Ted”, “Viddler”, “Vimeo”, “WordPress.tv”, or “Youtube”.
Video Size
Set the size of the video. Your options are “Auto”, “Wide (16:9)”, “Standard (4:3)”, or “Square (1:1)”.
Poster Image
Select an image to be used as the Poster Image. This image will displayed prior to the video starting.
MP4 Video
Select an MP4 video from your media library.
*Only visible for Type of “WordPress”.
*Only visible for Type of “WordPress”.
OGV Video
Select an OGV video from your media library.
*Only visible for Type of “WordPress”.
*Only visible for Type of “WordPress”.
WebM Video
Select an WebM video from your media library.
*Only visible for Type of “WordPress”.
*Only visible for Type of “WordPress”.
Video URL
Set the URL to the video.
*Visible for all Types aside from “WordPress”.
*Visible for all Types aside from “WordPress”.
Set the color that you want to be used in place of media.