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  • #5908


    I love the idea of the Parallax Scene but I have NEVER been able to get it to work right. Even if I can manage to get the scene layers to line up they are shot on any other resolution other than the one I’m on. How do I make the Parallax scene responsive?


    Intense Visions


    Do you have an example page that you’ve been working on that you can share? Are you having similar results to our Parallax Scene demo page? When I make the screen size smaller or view on my iPhone, the layers scale to the width of the content area or, in this case, the screen width. The space image doesn’t look perfect at a mobile size because the asteroid layers don’t take up the entire height. They aren’t perfect, but we aren’t worried about their placing. The scene we put together is just a group of images to show off the effect. I can see where there might be more of a concern if you are trying to show something perfectly across different browser sizes/widths. .

    I’m not sure exactly what images you’re trying to use, so I can’t tell what might need to be done.

    From what I see on my mobile, the scenes do work, although they may not scale as perfectly as they do on a desktop size.

    I do want to point out that this is a community forum, and not typically one that we watch for topics/issues like this. Creating a support ticket would work better.



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