Hooks: Actions and Filters

Hooks allow you to ‘hook’ into the rest of WordPress. There are two types of hooks in WordPress: actions and filters. Actions allow you to run your own code during execution. Filters let you alter content created by WordPress. Intensity defines actions and filters that can be used in your plugins or themes to hook into its functionality.

You can read more about hooks here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API


intensity_before_header Executed before the header is displayed
intensity_after_header Executed after the header is displayed
intensity_before_opening_main Executed before the main content body
intensity_after_opening_main Executed after the main content body
intensity_before_closing_main Executed before closing of the main content body
intensity_after_closing_main Executed after closing of the main content body
intensity_after_closing_body Executed after closing of the content body
intensity_before_the_content_begin Executed before the page/post content begins
intensity_after_the_content_begin Executed after the page/post content begins
intensity_before_the_content_end Executed before the page/post content ends
intensity_after_the_content_end Executed after the page/post content ends


intensity_viewport_meta Applies to the viewport meta

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