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  • #6423


    Is it possible to send dynamic values through form submission (e.g querystring) to the charts shortcode? When I try to nest a URLPARAM shortcode within the intense shortcodes, it doesn’t seem to work.



    Intense Visions


    To send dynamic value to the chart shortcode, you can create a template that creates the chart shortcode with the dynamic values. Within the template you can either call do_shortcode or use a built-in function intense_run_shortcode to call the chart shortcode. Since the chart shortcode requires more than one shortcode to run, it may be easiest to create a string with the shortcode text and use do_shortcode.

    You can find more information about the template shortcode and creating templates here:

    For the template shortcode, you will create a template and place it in an intense_templates/template folder in your theme or child theme.

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