Intense Visions
If you do not set a height, the content section will adjust to the height of the content inside of the content section. You can adjust the padding to help control the height some too. We don’t currently have a way to set the height to a percentage or min/max height. One way that you can adjust the height for different screen sizes is to use the Responsive Utility shortcode along with the Spacer shortcode. I am including a Content Section shortcode below that shows the Responsive Utility and Spacer shortcodes, along with the Heading shortcode.
[intense_content_section padding_top="25" padding_bottom="25"]
[intense_responsive_utility visible_large="1" visible_medium="1" hidden_small="1" hidden_extra_small="1"]
[intense_spacer type="block" height="100"]
[intense_heading font_size="40" line_height="45" font_color="#000000" font_weight="600" align="center"]
This is an example heading
[intense_responsive_utility visible_large="1" visible_medium="1" hidden_small="1" hidden_extra_small="1"]
[intense_spacer type="block" height="100"]
The above Content Section will have a total of 125 pixels of padding above and below the Heading text (25 from the Content Section and 100 from the Spacer) on large and medium screen sizes. Once the screen reaches the “small” size and down, the 100 pixels of padding will be removed. This does add some flexibility.
As you’ve found, setting a set height is not the best solution. It can he handy for sections that don’t have anything in them, or only have a title or small amount of text. That is why we suggest not setting a height and letting the Content Section adjust to the size of its content.
If you need further help, please let us know.