
Intense Visions


One thing you can do is to add a class to the post shortcode (Blog for instance), then use that class to hide the div that displays the text. Another thing you can do to limit the text in the first place is add the following setting to the shortcode as well: template_content_length=”1″

Here is an example shortcode:

[intense_custom_post post_type="post" show_filter="0" template="three_text" template_content_length="1" class="hide_excerpt"]

Here is the CSS that will be needed in order to hide the excerpt, using the class set in the shortcode. This CSS can be placed in the CSS Code options, which can be found in the Intense settings (Settings->Intense), on the Extras tab.

.intense.custom-post.hide_excerpt div.entry-content {

The above changes should accomplish what you’re after. These settings are not ideal, but they will work until we can add an option to the shortcode to hide the excerpt.

Of course, you could also copy the template you are using, move it into your theme (in the folder structure mentioned in our documentation). You could rename the file, change the text at the top of the title, modify it how you want (remove the excerpt), then save it. Once this is done, you will be able to select the template whenever you need it.

I hope this helps. If you need more information, please let us know.
