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  • #8516



    I am trying to make progress bar text align right side.
    See this screenshot –

    I am new to css. I don’t know how to add code perfectly.

    But I tried this way on

    Wordpress -setting -intense – extra – CSS code

    .intense.progress-bar {

    text-align: right;

    background-color: #ffffff;


    Not worked, then I tried with my own css class.

    .progressbar {

    text-align: right;

    background-color: #ffffff;


    Then I inserted this shortcode

    [intense_progress animation_speed="3" class="progressbar"] [intense_progress_segment color="#0000ff" value="74" text="Final Score"][/intense_progress_segment] [/intense_progress]
    But not worked.

    Help me.

    Thank you


    Intense Visions


    Hello! Sorry you’ve been having trouble with some of the Intense shortcodes. You should be able to align the text to the right by adding the following CSS.

    .intense.progress-bar {
        text-align: right;

    I checked the above CSS on the Progress demo page and it worked correctly. If it doesn’t work for you, maybe you need to add the !important attribute as well.

    .intense.progress-bar {
        text-align: right !important;

    If these options don’t work, then there may be a theme style or something that is overriding the alignment. I would need to see an example page in order to tell you what to do.



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